Who are Exempted from FSSAI Registration

Some food businesses are exempted from FSSAI registration, depending on their turnover and nature of operation.


These include:


1. Small-scale food businesses with an annual turnover of up to Rs. 12 lakhs
2. Food businesses that manufacture or sell food products that have been prepared by hand and do not use any electrical equipment or technology
3. Petty food businesses that have a daily production capacity of up to 100 kg/liters per day
4. Retailers or distributors of food products that are not involved in any food processing or manufacturing
5. Food businesses that are run by individuals and have a turnover of up to Rs. 12 lakhs per year.


However, it is important to note that even if a food business is exempted from FSSAI registration, it is still required to comply with all the food safety regulations and guidelines set by the FSSAI.

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