Complete TCS Rate Chart for FY 2023-24

In this article

Tax Collected at Source (TCS) is an income tax, collected by the seller of specified goods, from the buyer. TCS is a concept where a person selling specific items is liable to collect tax from a buyer at a prescribed rate and deposit the same with the Government.

TCS Rate Chart

Given below are the latest TCS rates:


Section Collection Code Nature of Payment Threshold (INR) TCS rates
206C A Alcoholic Liquor for Human Consumption NA 1%
B Timber obtained under a forest lease NA 2.5%
C Timber obtained by any mode other than under a forest lease NA 2.5%
D Any other forest produce not being timber or tendu leaves NA 2.5%
E Scrap NA 1%
F, G Grant of a license, lease, etc of the Parking lot and Toll Plaza respectively NA 2%
H Grant of Mining and Quarrying NA 2%
I Tendu Leaves NA 5%
J Minerals, being coal or lignite, or iron ore NA 1%
K Sale of Bullion > 2 lakh 1%
L Sale of the motor vehicle whether payment is received by cheque or by any other mode > 10 lakh 1%
M Sale in cash of any other goods except bullion & Jewelry > 2 lakh 1%
N Providing of any service (other than Ch-XVII-B) > 2 lakh 1%
O TCS for sale of overseas tour program package NA 20%
P TCS on remittance under LRS for an educational loan taken from a financial institution as mentioned in Section 80E NA 0.5%
Q Foreign remittance under LRS -7 lakh in case of remittances for education and medical purpose
-No limit in the case of other foreign remittance
-5% in case of education and medical remittance
-20 %in case of other foreign remittances
R TCS on sale of goods NA 0.1% (1% in case of non-availability of PAN/Aadhar)



Major TCS Amendments in Budget 2023


Section 206C (1G) Enhanced TCS rate on certain Foreign Remittances


In the past, the TCS rate on foreign remittances was 5%. Budget 2023 proposed to increase the TCS rate to 20% (w.e.f 1st July 2023) in case of all the remittances under LRS and overseas tour packages. However, the TCS rate for educational and medical purposes in excess of INR 7 lakh continues to be at 5%.

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