To get a trademark registration in India, you need to follow the below steps:
- Trademark Search: Before filing a trademark application, it is important to conduct a trademark search to ensure that there are no identical or similar trademarks already registered or applied for.
- Filing of Trademark Application: Once the trademark search is done, you can file the trademark application online or offline with the Trademark Registrar.
- Examination of Application: After filing the trademark application, the Trademark Registrar will examine the application to ensure that it complies with all the statutory requirements.
- Publication in Trademark Journal: If the Trademark Registrar is satisfied with the trademark application, it will be published in the Trademark Journal for public objection.
- Opposition Proceedings: Once the trademark application is published in the Trademark Journal, anyone can oppose the trademark registration within 4 months from the date of publication.
- Registration: If there is no opposition, or if the opposition proceedings are decided in favor of the applicant, the trademark registration certificate will be issued to the applicant.
The entire process of trademark registration in India takes about 18-24 months on average.
It is recommended to hire a trademark attorney or agent to assist you in the process to ensure a smooth and successful registration.