What is Difference Between Trademark Examination and Trademark Objection

Trademark examination and trademark objection are two different stages in the process of trademark registration.

Trademark examination refers to the process in which the trademark application is examined by the trademark office to determine whether it meets the requirements for registration.

This includes checking whether the trademark is distinctive and not similar to any other trademark that is already registered or pending registration. During the examination, the trademark office may issue an examination report raising any objections or concerns.

Trademark objection, on the other hand, is a formal objection raised by the trademark office after examination of the trademark application.

The objection may be raised on various grounds such as similarity with existing trademarks, lack of distinctiveness, or use of a generic term.

The trademark applicant is required to respond to the objection within the specified time period, failing which the application may be abandoned.

In summary, trademark examination is a general review of the trademark application by the trademark office, while trademark objection is a specific issue or concern raised by the trademark office that requires a response from the applicant.

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