What is the Timeline for Trademark Renewal

The timeline for trademark renewal in India is as follows:


  1. The first renewal: The first renewal of a trademark registration is due 10 years from the date of filing of the trademark application.
    It can be renewed by filing the prescribed renewal form along with the renewal fee, which must be paid within six months prior to the expiry of the registration.
  2. Subsequent renewals: Subsequent renewals can be done for periods of 10 years each, and the renewal must be done within 6 months prior to the expiry of the last registration.
    The process of renewal remains the same as that for the first renewal.


It is important to note that if the renewal fee is not paid within the stipulated time, the trademark registration may be removed from the register.

Once a trademark has been removed from the register, the owner loses all legal rights and protection associated with the trademark.

Hence, it is advisable to keep track of the renewal timelines and ensure timely renewal to maintain the trademark registration.

Previous: What is Difference Between Trademark Registration and Trademark Renewal
Next: What is Trademark Renewal

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