Trademark Registration
No more delays or difficulties! Get Trademark Registration for your business with India’s fastest growing legal service provider of Trademark Registration.
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Online Trademark Registration In India
A trademark a visual symbol consisting of a differentiate symbol, design, or expression which identifies goods or services of a specific source from those of others. The trademark owner may be a person, business concern or any legal entity. A trademark is also located on a package, a label, a voucher, or on the goods or merchandise itself. As a result of corporate identity, trademarks are often displayed on company buildings. It’s legally recognized as a kind of property.
Details about Trademark
⦁ The symbols ™ (the trademark symbol) and ® (the registered trademark symbol) are often wont to indicate trademarks; the latter is merely to be used by the owner of a trademark that has been registered, and ⦁ ℠(which is the letters “SM” in superscript, for an unregistered ⦁ service mark, a mark used to promote or brand services).
The method of LOGO trademark registration in India is now possible and convenient such you’ll trademark anybody of the below things or maybe a combination of the following:
Our Process for Trademark Registration
- 1 Hour
Free Trademark Search
Our Trademark Attorney will perform a check the availability of the desired name or logo or design and provide you with a Search Report.
-1 Working Days
TM-1 Application Filing
Once we ensure that the desired mark is exclusive, we will send you an authorisation letter which must be duly signed by you and return to us which give authorisation to our attorney to file a Trademark application on behalf of the customers. On receipt of the authorisation letter, our Trademark Attorney will prepare the trademark application based on the information provided and a preview is sent to you before filing for confirmation and signing. We file the same with ipindia and in return, we will provide you a receipt and TM application number. As soon as the application is filed, you can start using the 'TM' symbol with your brand name.
-10 - 24 Months
Govt Approval
The trademark examiner(Govt) verifies the application. You can track the trademark application status with the TM application number. The examiner may raise an objection if the mark is found identical with some other registered mark, obscenity or other grounds. Reason is provided.
In case of no objection, an advertisement will publish in the Trademark Journal to invite the opposition by the third party. If there is no opposition, the government approved the trademark and registered within next six months. Once the trademark gets registered, you can start using the 'R' symbol with the brand name