Trademark Renewal
No more delays or difficulties! Renew Trademark of your business with India’s fastest growing legal service provider of Trademark Renewal.
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Online Trademark Renewal in India
Trademark registrations are valid for 10 years and are perpetually renewable. It has to be renewed starting six months before the expiration date. Even if you overlooked it—which even big organisations frequently do—you will receive a reminder at your registered address prior to the expiration date.
The registrar may publish a notice in the Trade Marks Journal announcing its intention to withdraw the trademark if you still do not submit a renewal application. However, this is most likely to occur within a year after the expiration date.
Renewal of a Trademark - Duration
- According to rules 57 and 58 in the 2017 Trade Mark Rules, the renewal may be filed within a year before the date of expiration
- The extension may be submitted no later than six months following the expiration date, in accordance with rules 63 and 64 of the Registered Trademark Rules of 2002.
- Additionally, a renewal request may be submitted up to six months following the expiration date.
- If a trademark is not renewed within six months of its expiration date, it will be deleted from the Register of Trademarks.
Our Process for Trademark Renewal
- 1 Working Day
Application Preparation
Our Team will check all the details of the applicant and prepare an application.
Rules vary if you are renewing before 6 Months or Expiry and a Trademark can be renewed till 6 months after the date of expiry.
-1 to 2 Working Days
Application Filing
Our Lawyer will apply along with the POA of the applicant. After successful filing, you will receive an acknowledgment receipt.
- 45- 60 days `{`Approx`}`
Government Approval
The Trademark Registrar approves the trademark renewal after reviewing the application details and documents for authenticity.